Dec 15, 2022

5 Home Addition Options for a Growing Family

Is your forever home starting to feel too small these days? Here are 5 home addition options for a growing family that will help provide the space you need.

Posted by: Amanda Delatorre


As a young family, you may not need much and have settled down into a cozy little home. However, as your family grows and your kids get older, what was once the perfect home may start to feel a little cramped or that important features are missing. Here are five home addition options for a growing family to help your home reclaim that comfort.

Bedroom Additions

When kids are young, it’s easy to have them share a bedroom, but they will need more space and privacy as they get older. It’s also important that everyone has a space to themselves, so they can retreat and recharge when needed. Bedroom additions are great for helping your kids find their space and have a room they can call their own.

Bathroom Additions

Another great home addition option for a growing family is a bathroom addition. Sharing a bathroom between a few people may not be a big deal, but eventually, it may seem like the bathrooms you do have are also in use as hygiene and grooming needs rise. Add another bathroom or two to ensure your family has access to these important utilities.

Accessory Dwelling Units

Often referred to as a guest house, an accessory dwelling unit is a great idea for families with a grandparent or other relatives living with them. The dwelling unit is separated from the main house and provides adequate space and privacy when needed—including bathroom utilities and accessories.

Backyard Studio Shed

A backyard studio shed is another great way to make more space, enjoy the outdoors, and provide a place dedicated to hobbies away from the main house. For instance, a saltbox-style studio shed is a great way to provide kids with a play space that easily accesses the yard and keeps all their toys and hobbies in one place.

Second Story Additions

If you can’t build out, you can always build up! Adding a second story to your home practically doubles the space and is a great way to add multiple new bedrooms, bathrooms, and more!

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