Jul 5, 2019

Summertime Studios: Why You Should Splurge On An Insulated Detached Office

Protect yourself from those irritating insects, summer storms, and high heats with a retreat all your own; while your neighbors are out roasting in the sun, or breaking the bank trying to cool their homes in vain, you'll be sitting pretty (and cool!) in your backyard studio.

Posted by: Coast Studios

entry level insulated backyard officeSummer is finally here! If you love to surround yourself with the warm sunshine and soft breeze, you're going to be spending a heck of a lot of time outside. Unfortunately, summer weather is never perfect, no matter where you live; whether the bugs are particularly pesky, the heat particularly blistering, or the weather particularly wet, sometimes being outside just isn't as fun or relaxing as it should be. With a backyard studio, however, you'll be free to enjoy the outdoors all season long.

Detached modern backyard studios are a luxury well worth investing in. The peace and quiet of your own personal space, separate from the hustle and bustle of your home life, is an experience that you can only truly discover when your quaint studio arrives. They're built to your needs; though you can make sure your backyard office has a skylight and electricity, one thing you shouldn't skimp on is insulation.

Keeping Cool

Insulation is well-known for its ability to keep the heat indoors during frigid winters, but it plays a very important role in the summer as well. As a thermal barrier, it slows down the movement of heat -- including that caused by the sweltering summer sun. As a result, your entry level insulated backyard office will be able to stay cool even on the hottest and most unbearable of days. If you decide to upgrade your prefab studio to include electrical wiring, your air conditioner won't be fighting an endless battle; the insulation will make your energy system all the more efficient.

Consider the impact effective insulation has on a home: it can cost 30% less to cool than one with poor insulation. If your backyard studio is going to be an extension of your house, it should look and act the part. By investing in an entry level insulated backyard office, you can enjoy summer without suffering its discomforts, either physical or financial. Protect yourself from those irritating insects, summer storms, and high heats with a retreat all your own; while your neighbors are out roasting in the sun, or breaking the bank trying to cool their homes in vain, you'll be sitting pretty (and cool!) in your backyard studio.

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